Where Do Copied Links Go on Android

When you copy a link on your Android phone, where does it go? Most people assume that the copied link is stored in the clipboard, but this is not always the case. In this article, we will explore the different places where copied links can be stored on an Android phone. We will also discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of each storage method. Where do copied links go on android? Here how to access copied link.

The three places where copied links can be stored on an Android phone

The benefits and drawbacks of each storage method are as follows:

1. Clipboard: The clipboard is the most convenient place to store copied links, as it is easily accessible and doesn’t take up any extra space on your device. However, the downside of using the clipboard is that it can only store one copied link at a time, so you will need to overwrite any previous links that you have stored.

2. Bookmarks: Storing copied links in a bookmark is a good way to keep them organized and easy to find later. However, bookmarks can take up some space on your device, and you will need to remember to open the bookmark in order to access the links.

3. History: The history is a good place to store copied links if you want to be able to access them later, but don’t want to keep them stored on your device. The downside of using the history is that it can be difficult to find specific links, and you may accidentally delete them if you clear your browsing history.

How to access the copied link in each storage location

To access the copied link in each storage location, follow these steps:

1. Clipboard: To access the clipboard, tap and hold on any text field. This will bring up a menu with the option to paste. Tap on the paste option to view the contents of the clipboard.

2. Bookmarks: To access bookmarks, open the browser and tap on the bookmark icon. This will bring up a list of all stored bookmarks. Tap on the bookmark that contains the copied link to view it.

3. History: To access the history, open the browser and tap on the history icon. This will bring up a list of all visited websites. Tap on the website that contains the copied link to view it.

Tips for using the clipboard to store copied links

1. To store a link in the clipboard, simply copy it as you would any other text.

2. To access the clipboard, tap and hold on any text field. This will bring up a menu with the option to paste.

3. To paste the contents of the clipboard, tap on the paste option.

4. The clipboard can only store one copied link at a time, so you will need to overwrite any previous links that you have stored.


Copied links can be stored in three different places on an Android phone: the clipboard, a bookmark, or the history. The benefits and drawbacks of each storage method vary, so it is up to the user to decide which method is best for their needs. To access the copied link in each storage location, follow the steps outlined in this article.

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