How To Bookmark on Android

There are a lot of different ways to bookmark on Android, and each person has their own favorite method. Some people prefer to use the built-in bookmarking feature in their web browser, while others use a third-party app like Pocket or Instapaper. Still others simply write down the web addresses they want to remember on a piece of paper or in a text file.

Whichever method you prefer, the important thing is to actually do it! Bookmarking is a great way to save time and keep track of the websites you visit most often. In this article, we’ll show you how to bookmark on Android using three different methods.

How to bookmark a website on Android

1. Open the web browser on your Android phone or tablet.

2. Navigate to the website that you want to bookmark.

3. Tap the Menu button (it looks like three lines) in the top-right corner of the screen.

4. Select Add to Bookmarks from the menu.

5. The website will be added to your bookmarks list.

6. To access your bookmarks, open the Browser app and tap the Bookmarks icon (it looks like a bookmark).

How to bookmark a website using a third-party app

1. Install a bookmarking app like Pocket or Instapaper from the Google Play Store.

2. Open the app and sign in with your account information.

3. Tap the Add button in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

4. Enter the URL of the website you want to bookmark.

5. Tap the Add button to save the website.

6. To access your bookmarks, open the app and tap the Bookmarks icon.

What are the different ways to bookmark on Android?

There are a lot of different ways to bookmark on Android, and each person has their own favorite method. Some people prefer to use the built-in bookmarking feature in their web browser, while others use a third-party app like Pocket or Instapaper. Still others simply write down the web addresses they want to remember on a piece of paper or in a text file.

How do I bookmark a website using my web browser’s built-in feature?

To bookmark a website using your web browser’s built-in feature, open the website in your browser and tap the “Bookmark” icon. then enter a name for the bookmark and tap “OK.” The website will be saved to your browser’s bookmarks list.

How do I bookmark a website using a third-party app like Pocket or Instapaper?

To bookmark a website using a third-party app like Pocket or Instapaper, open the website in your browser and tap the “Share” icon. then select the app you want to use from the list of options. The website will be saved to your account in the app.

How do I bookmark a website by writing down the web address?

To bookmark a website by writing down the web address, simply write down the URL of the website on a piece of paper or in a text file. You can also save it as a note in your smartphone’s notes app.


When you want to access a bookmarked website, simply open your browser and tap the “Bookmarks” icon. then select the bookmark from the list. If you’re using a third-party app like Pocket or Instapaper, simply open the app and tap on the website you want to view.

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