How to Install Kali Linux on Android

It is possible to install Kali Linux on Android devices, and in this article we will show you how. First, you need to make sure that your device is rooted. If it isn’t, you can follow our guide on how to root your Android device. Once your device is rooted, you will need to download and install a VNC client. We recommend using the popular VNC client TightVNC.

What is Kali Linux and what does it do

Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution that aims to provide a comprehensive set of tools for security and penetration testing. It comes pre-installed with a wide range of security tools, including network analysis, web application analysis, password cracking, and forensics tools. While it can be used for general purpose tasks, it is most commonly used by security professionals and ethical hackers.

How to install Kali Linux on Android devices

Installing Kali Linux on Android devices is a fairly simple process, and can be done by following the steps below.

1. Download and install a VNC client on your Android device. We recommend using the popular VNC client TightVNC.

2. Download the Kali Linux image from the Offensive Security website.

3. Extract the Kali Linux image to your SD card.

4. Boot your Android device into fastboot mode and flash the Kali Linux image to your device.

5. Reboot your device and log in using the username and password you set up during the installation process.

How to use Kali Linux on Android devices

Now that you have Kali Linux installed on your Android device, you can start using all of the amazing security tools that it has to offer. In this section, we will show you how to use some of the most popular Kali Linux tools. How to use NMAP

Nmap is a network exploration and security auditing tool. It can be used to scan for vulnerable open ports on systems. To use NMAP on your Android device, simply open the terminal and type in the following command: nmap

This will scan the IP address for any open ports. How to use Metasploit

Metasploit is a powerful exploitation framework that can be used to exploit vulnerabilities on systems. To use Metasploit on your Android device, you first need to start the Meterpreter server by typing in the following command: msfconsole

Once the server is started, you can then use the run command to start an exploit. For example, to start the exploit for the vulnerability CVE-2015-7547, you would type in the following command: run exploit/multi/browser/chrome_sandbox_escape

You can then use the show targets command to see a list of all the available targets for the exploit. To select a target, you can use the set target command. For example, to set the target to Windows 7, you would type in the following command: set target 1

Once the target is set, you can then use the run command to start the exploit.

What are some things to keep in mind when using Kali Linux on Android devices

Before we get started, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when using Kali Linux on Android devices. First, you need to make sure that your device is rooted. If it isn’t, you can follow our guide on how to root your Android device. Second, you need to be aware that not all of the security tools available in Kali Linux will work on Android devices. This is due to the fact that Android is a different operating system than Kali Linux.

How to uninstall Kali Linux from Android devices

If you need to uninstall Kali Linux from your Android device, you can do so by following the steps below.

1. Boot your device into fastboot mode.

2. Use the “fastboot erase” command to erase the Kali Linux image from your device.

3. Reboot your device and log in using the username and password you set up during the installation process.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to install Kali Linux on Android devices. We’ve also shown you how to use some of the most popular Kali Linux tools. Finally, we’ve given you a few things to keep in mind when using Kali Linux on Android devices. Thanks for reading!

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