How To Move Icons on Android

If you’ve ever tried to move an icon on your Android phone, you know that it can be a difficult process. The icons are glued in place and it seems like there’s no way to move them. However, there is a way to move icons on Android phones. With a few simple steps, you can easily move icons around on your phone.

How to move an icon using the default method

Here how to move icons on android:

1. First, long press on the icon you want to move. This will bring up a menu of options.

2. Next, tap on the “Move” option.

3. Now, you can simply drag the icon to the desired location on your screen.

4. Once you’re satisfied with the new location of the icon, tap on the “Done” button.

And that’s all there is to it! With these simple steps, you can easily move icons around on your Android phone.

How to move an icon using a custom method

How to move icons on android:

1. Open your Android phone’s home screen.

2. Locate the icon you want to move.

3. Press and hold down on the icon.

4. Drag the icon to the desired location on the screen.

5. Release your finger from the icon to drop it into place.

That’s all there is to it! Moving icons around on your Android phone’s home screen is quick and easy. Give it

How to make a custom icon on Android

If you want to create a custom icon for an app on your Android phone, there is a simple way to do it. Here’s how:

1. Open the app you want to create a custom icon for.

2. Tap on the “Menu” button and select “Edit”.

3. Tap on the “Icon” option.

4. Select the “Custom Icon” option.

5. Choose the image you want to use for the icon.

6. Tap on the “Save” button.

And that’s all there is to it! You’ve now created a custom icon for an app on your Android phone.

How to rearrange the screen on Android

If you want to rearrange the icons on your Android phone, there is a simple way to do it. Here’s how:

1. Open your Android phone’s home screen.

2. Locate the icon you want to move.

3. Press and hold down on the icon.

4. Drag the icon to the desired location on the screen.

5. Release your finger from the icon to drop it into place.

And that’s all there is to it! You’ve now rearranged the icons on your Android phone.

How to move an app to another screen

If you want to move an app to another screen on your Android phone, there is a simple way to do it. Here’s how:

1. Open your Android phone’s home screen.

2. Locate the app you want to move.

3. Press and hold down on the app icon.

4. Drag the app to the desired location on the screen.

5. Release your finger from the icon to drop it into place.

And that’s all there is to it! You’ve now moved an app to another screen on your Android phone.


With these simple steps, you can easily move icons around on your Android phone. Whether you want to rearrange the icons or move an app to another screen, it’s quick and easy to do. So don’t hesitate – give it a try today!

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