How to Move Pictures From Folder to Another on Android

It’s easy to move pictures from one folder to another on Android, but the process is slightly different depending on which version of Android you’re using. In this article, we’ll show you how to move pictures from one folder to another on Android using few different methods and some tips to moving pictures.

How to move pictures from one folder to another on Android

1. Using the Gallery app

If you’re using an older version of Android, you can use the Gallery app to move pictures between folders. To do this:

1. Open the Gallery app and find the picture you want to move.

2. Tap and hold on the picture, then select the “Move to” option.

3. Choose the destination folder, then tap “Move here.”

4. The picture will be moved to the new folder.

2. Using a file manager app

If you’re using a newer version of Android or if you don’t have the Gallery app, you can use a file manager app to move pictures between folders. To do this:

1. Install a file manager app from the Google Play Store. we recommend File Manager by Cheetah Mobile, but any file manager will work.

2. Open the file manager app and find the folder that contains the picture you want to move.

3. Tap and hold on the picture, then select the “Move to” option.

4. Choose the destination folder, then tap “Move here.”

5. The picture will be moved to the new folder.

Tips for moving pictures between folders on Android

– If you’re using a file manager app to move pictures, you can also copy and paste pictures between folders. To do this, tap and hold on the picture, then select the “Copy to” option. Choose the destination folder, then tap “Copy here.”

– You can also move multiple pictures at once by selecting them all, then tapping the “Move to” or “Copy to” options.

– If you’re having trouble finding a picture that’s been moved, try using the search function in your file manager app.

Q&A about moving pictures from one folder to another on Android

Q: I can’t find the “Move to” option in my Gallery app. What do I do?

A: The “Move to” option may be in a different location in your Gallery app, depending on which version of Android you’re using. Try tapping the three dots in the top-right corner of the app, then selecting “Move to.”

Q: Can I move pictures from my phone’s storage to an SD card?

A: Yes, you can move pictures from your phone’s storage to an SD card. To do this, insert the SD card into your phone, then open a file manager app and find the picture you want to move. Tap and hold on the picture, then select the “Move to” option. Choose the SD card as the destination, then tap “Move here.” The picture will be moved to the SD card.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to move pictures from one folder to another on Android. This process is easy and can be completed in a few simple steps. If you have any questions or run into any problems, please let us know in the comments section below. We hope you found this guide helpful!

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