How To Transfer Music From iPhone to Android

It can be a real hassle to switch from one type of phone to another. But what if you could take all your music with you? It’s actually quite easy to transfer music from an iPhone to an Android phone – you just need the right tools. In this article, we’ll show you how to transfer music from iphone to android.

What you need to transfer music from an iPhone to an Android phone

In order to transfer your music from an iPhone to an Android phone, you’ll need the following:

– An iPhone with iTunes installed

– An Android phone with a USB cable

– A computer with an internet connection

How to use the tools to transfer your music

Once you have everything you need, follow these steps to transfer your music:

– Connect your iPhone to your computer using the USB cable.

– Open iTunes and select your iPhone from the list of devices.

– Click on the “Music” tab and select the songs you want to transfer.

– Drag and drop the selected songs into the “Android” folder on your computer.

– Disconnect your iPhone from your computer.

– Connect your Android phone to your computer using the USB cable.

– Copy the songs from the “Android” folder on your computer to your Android phone.

Tips for a smooth transition

Here are a few tips to help you transfer your music from an iPhone to an Android phone smoothly:

– Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer.

– Backup your iPhone before beginning the transfer process.

– Transfer your music to a computer first, then copy it to your Android phone. This will prevent any potential data loss.

The benefits of transferring your music

There are many benefits to transferring your music from an iPhone to an Android phone. For example, you’ll be able to enjoy your music on a wider range of devices. And if you ever decide to switch back to an iPhone, you can easily transfer your music back again.

How to keep your music organized after the transfer

Once you’ve transferred your music from an iPhone to an Android phone, it’s important to keep it organized. Here are a few tips:

– Create playlists on your Android phone to organize your songs.

– Use a music player that supports cloud storage, such as Google Play Music or Amazon Music. This will allow you to access your music from any device.

– Keep your iTunes library backed up so you can easily transfer your music again in the future.


Transferring your music from an iPhone to an Android phone doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right tools and a little bit of know-how, you can easily transfer all your music in just a few simple steps.

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