How To Turn Off Link Sharing on Android

It’s no secret that Android devices are incredibly personal. Not only do we store a vast amount of personal information on them, but we also allow others to access that information quite easily. Whether it’s through social media, email, or some other app, sharing is just a tap away. But what if you don’t want to share? What if you want to keep your information private? In this article, we’ll show you how to turn off link sharing on Android.

What is link sharing and why do people do it?

Link sharing is the process of sharing links to websites, articles, or other online content with others. People often do this to spread useful information, but it can also be used as a way to spam others or share malicious content.

How to turn off link sharing on Android

To turn off link sharing on your Android device, you’ll need to go into your Settings app and find the “Sharing & Connections” section. From there, you should see an option for “Link Sharing.” Tap that, then toggle the switch to “Off.”

Another way to turn off link sharing is to simply not install any apps that support it. Many social media and productivity apps have link sharing features, so avoiding those altogether is another way to keep your information private.

The benefits of turning off link sharing

There are several benefits to turning off link sharing on your Android device. First, it will help to protect your privacy by preventing others from being able to see what you’re viewing online. Second, it can reduce the amount of spam and malicious content that you receive. And finally, it can help improve your battery life, as your device won’t be constantly searching for links to share.

The main benefit of turning off link sharing is that it helps you keep your information private. By not sharing links, you’re less likely to accidentally share something you didn’t mean to. Additionally, it can help prevent spam and other malicious content from being shared.

How to turn on link sharing on Android

1. Open your Settings app and find the “Sharing & Connections” section.

2. Tap on “Link Sharing.”

3. Toggle the switch to “On.”

Link sharing can be a helpful way to share useful information with others. But it can also be used to spam others or share malicious content. If you’d prefer to keep your information private, you can turn off link sharing on your Android device.


Link sharing can be a great way to share useful information with others, but it can also be a privacy risk. If you’re concerned about your privacy, or if you just want to reduce the amount of spam and malicious content that you receive, we recommend turning off link sharing on your Android device.

>wrap up article with a brief conclusion

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