Why Do iPhone Videos Send Blurry to Android

It’s no secret that iPhone videos tend to look better than those taken on Android devices. But why is that? Is it just a matter of the iPhone’s superior camera quality? Or is there something else at play here? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at why do iPhone videos send blurry to Android, and explore some possible solutions.

The difference in quality between iPhone and Android videos

There’s no denying that the iPhone has a better camera than most Android devices. But that’s not the only reason why iPhone videos often look better than their Android counterparts. Another contributing factor is the way each operating system processes video.

On iOS, video is encoded using the H.264 codec, which is a high-quality standard that results in smaller file sizes without compromising on quality. Android, on the other hand, uses a variety of codecs depending on the device manufacturer. Some of these codecs are less efficient, which can lead to larger file sizes and lower quality video.

Why do iPhone videos send blurry to Android?

There are a few reasons why the quality of iPhone videos is often better than Android videos. Firstly, as we mentioned before, the iPhone uses a high-quality codec for encoding video (H.264). This results in smaller file sizes without compromising on quality.

Secondly, iOS devices have built-in hardware acceleration for video processing. This means that the processor can offload some of the work of processing video to dedicated hardware, which makes for smoother and more efficient video processing. Android devices typically don’t have this same level of hardware acceleration, which can lead to choppier video playback and lower overall quality.

Possible solutions to the problem

If you’re not happy with the quality of your Android videos, there are a few things you can do to try and improve the situation.

Firstly, make sure you’re using a good quality camera app. There are a number of excellent camera apps available for Android that can help you take better quality video. Camera FV-5 is a good option, as it offers manual control over a number of parameters such as focus, shutter speed, and ISO.

Secondly, consider using a different codec. As we mentioned before, the H.264 codec used by the iPhone is a high-quality option that results in smaller file sizes without compromising on quality. If your Android device doesn’t have hardware acceleration for video processing, using a codec like H.264 can help to improve the overall quality of your videos.


It’s clear that there are a number of factors that contribute to the difference in quality between iPhone and Android videos. In most cases, the iPhone’s superior camera quality is the main reason why videos taken on iPhones tend to look better than those taken on Android devices. However, other factors such as the type of codecs used for encoding video can also play a role in determining video quality.

There are a few things you can do to try and improve the quality of your Android videos, including using a good quality camera app and using a different codec. Hopefully, by understanding why iPhone videos often look better than Android videos, you’ll be able to take steps to improve the quality of your own videos.

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